ExhibitionsPeter Martensen Min Jung-Yeon Un lac profond, 2024 Min Jung-Yeon Iceberg 1, 2024 Min Jung-Yeon Iceberg 3, 2025 Min Jung-Yeon Iceberg 2, 2025 Min Jung-Yeon Songe, 2024 Croquez la pomme Min Jung-Yeon 2.02. > 15.03.2025 Helene Schmitz Bones of the Earth Helene Schmitz The Thin Line Helene Schmitz View of Falling Forest Helene Schmitz Wandering Border Helene Schmitz In Waiting Helene Schmitz Seen from Here Helene Schmitz I’m Still Here Helene Schmitz Mystery of Falling Helene Schmitz Body in Motion Studies in Falling Helene Schmitz 08.11.2024 > 08.01.2025 Peter Martensen Winterscene2024 Peter Martensen Protesters2024 Peter Martensen Signal2024 Peter Martensen Protesters II2024 Peter Martensen Territory2024 Peter Martensen The Call2024 Peter Martensen The Spell2024 Peter Martensen Fence2024 Peter Martensen Protesters III2024 Peter Martensen The Rabbit2022 Yoon Ji-Eun Rétroaction 2024 Peter Martensen Politics Boundaries Peter Martensen 20.09 > 02.11.2024 Vivid VisionsEnter Art Fair29.08 > 1.09.2024 … in Motion[group show]29.06 > 14.09.2024 Étang Communal (communal pond) Didier Boussarie 16.05 > 15.06.2024 Didier Boussarie Forêt DB.2023.014 Didier Boussarie Etang communal DB.2023.013 Unanswered Questions Yoon Ji-Eun 22.03 > 11.05.2024 Yoon Ji-Eun Virage 2024 Yoon Ji-Eun A l’aube du jour 2024Private collection, France Yoon Ji-Eun 1er day 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Effacement 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Un extrait 2023Private collection, France Yoon Ji-Eun Reflets de lune 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Le bout de fils 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Le temps balance 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Pli 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Les restes 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Les éclairs 2023Private collection, France Yoon Ji-Eun Une écorce 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Addition2023 Yoon Ji-Eun 2nd day 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Déja vu2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Un bout de chemin 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun Déploiement 2023 Yoon Ji-Eun La traverse II 2023Private collection, France Yoon Ji-Eun La traverse 2023Private collection, France Bente Skjøttgaard Timberline #2331 Bente Skjøttgaard Timberline #2327 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2323 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2332 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2355 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2347 Bente Skjøttgaard Timberline #2330 Bente Skjøttgaard Timberline #2337 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2339 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2324 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2319 Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2338 Timberline Bente Skjøttgaard 02.02 > 16.03.2024 Back to basicsPernille Pontoppidan Pedersen – Bente Skjøttgaard – Fee Kleiss Ceramic Brussels 25.01 > 28.01.2024, Bruxelles Bente Skjøttgaard Family Tree #2326 Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Present vessel (that’s why it’s called present, vessel) Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Knots knots knots Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Her in a sphere Marlon Wobst Akt Marlon Wobst Service Marlon Wobst Stapel Marlon Wobst Ruhende 2 Marlon Wobst Ruhende 1 Marlon Wobst Bademeister Marlon Wobst Ausflug Marlon Wobst Gang Marlon Wobst Gerangel Marlon Wobst Köpper Marlon Wobst Gruppe Marlon Wobst Zwei Gegen Zwei Moving WorldsMarielle Paul – Esben Klemann – Marlon Wobst Luxembourt Art Week 10.11 > 12.11.2023 Tribes Marlon Wobst 02.11.2023 > 13.01.2024 Elise Peroi Volière 3 Elise Peroi Volière 4 Elise Peroi S’écouler Elise Peroi Tamiser la lumière du ciel Elise Peroi Traverser Elise Peroi Région de passage II Elise Peroi Iris Elise Peroi Dionée Elise Peroi Forêt 1 Elise Peroi Volière 1 Ladies First Elise Peroi – Farida Le Suavé – Min Jung-Yeon – Yoon Ji-Eun Enter Art Fair24.08 > 27.08.2023 Silk Elise Peroi 15.09 – 28.10.2023 Herbiers – Mémoire végétale Didier Boussarie Musée du Revermont, Val Revermont 02.04 – 15.11.2023 Éffluves d’un Temps Éphémère Min Jung-YeonSuquet des Artistes, Cannes 14.05 > 03.09.2023 Lyndi Sales We all feel alone together Lyndi Sales The things we think we need Lyndi Sales You are everyone Lyndi Sales Inside the Jiboa Lyndi Sales Squeezed by the Jiboa Lyndi Sales Wrestling with an octopus Didier Boussarie Lévitation Didier Boussarie Forêt d’Orléans Didier Boussarie Forêt d’Orléans Didier Boussarie Tresse 7B Didier Boussarie Tresse 5B Didier Boussarie Tresse 4B Didier Boussarie Tresse 3B Didier Boussarie Etang communal Didier Boussarie Etang communal Didier Boussarie Etang communal (triptyque) Didier Boussarie Etang communal Overlappings Lyndi Sales 17.05 – 15.07.2023 Marielle Paul Méduse Arc-en-ciel Marielle Paul Palmettes Marielle Paul Entrelacs Marielle Paul Aenium Marielle Paul Fleur et cercles Marielle Paul Encre lavis Marielle Paul Mosaïque no1 Marielle Paul Mosaïque no3 Marielle Paul Mosaïque no2 Marielle Paul Mosaïque no4 Marielle Paul Framboise Marielle Paul Soleil fleur Marielle Paul Chocolat vanille fraise no2 Marielle Paul untitled (chien) Marielle Paul Objets FNAC’s collection – National Fund for Contemporary Art Marielle Paul La branche Marielle Paul Entrelacs croisés Marielle Paul Fleurettes Marielle Paul Nouvel horizon n°6 Marielle Paul untitled (2011.04) FNAC’s collection – National Fund for Contemporary Art Marielle Paul Influences berbères Marielle Paul Feuilles et cercles FNAC Collections’ – National foundation for contemporary art Calepin Marielle Paul 24.03 > 06.05.2022 Marielle Paul untitled (2011.01) FNAC Collections’ – National foundation for contemporary art Min Jung-Yeon Iceberg Formes VivantesFarida Le Suavé SÈVRES – National Museum of Ceramic 09.11.2022 > 07.05.2023 Min Jung-Yeon Il faut passer par là Min Jung-Yeon Le chemin de l’ombre Min Jung-Yeon Les discours des trois montagnes Min Jung-Yeon Mirage 2 Min Jung-Yeon Mirage 3 Min Jung-Yeon On croit le connaître Min Jung-Yeon Rencontre 1 Min Jung-Yeon Rencontre 2 Min Jung-Yeon San (Montagne) Min Jung-Yeon Red Fall Min Jung-Yeon Une île sous la mer Désert plein, soif, sommeil, silence Min Jung-YeonCentre Culturel Coréen 29.11.2022 > 11.03.2022 Mais le paysage est encore là Min Jung-Yeon 27.01 > 18.03.2022 Farida Le SuavéEden Farida Le SuavéGrand Tésson Éthiopie Farida Le SuavéTatouage Farida Le SuavéAmazigh-Indienne Farida Le SuavéAchbali Farida Le SuavéQuadrillion Farida Le SuavéTazarnout Farida Le SuavéJambe droite Farida Le SuavéSous-bois Farida Le SuavéPop and Ocher Farida Le SuavéSoliflore Farida Le SuavéAvant l’histoire Pré-histoires Farida Le Suavé 17.11.2022 > 14.01.2023 Breathing spaceNicolai Howalt Yoon Ji-Eun Peter Martensen Min Jung-Yeon Bente Skjøttgaard Marlon Wobst Luxembourt Art Week11.11 > 13.11.2022 Peut-être ce jardin n’existe-t-il qu’à l’ombre de nos paupières baisséesÉlise Péroi CACC, Clamart 15.10 > 11.12.2022 VariaFarida Le Suavé CAC Abbaye Saint André – Meymac 10.07 > 09.10.2022 Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture 5.14 Farida Le SuavéRebus for Touchdown II Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture 5.24 Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture 1.2 Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture “gueule de dragon” Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture 5.21 Farida Le SuavéRebus pour la sculpture 5.13 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2021.006 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2021.007 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2019.001 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2020.001 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2020.003 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2021.005 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.031 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 10 Yoo Hye-Sook BB et rond Yoo Hye-Sook Nuage 1 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16118 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16119 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16031 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16114 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16085 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16091 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16110 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16104 Yoo Hye-Sook Sans titre K16112 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.017 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.016 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.022 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.051 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.049 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.030 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.033 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.018Private collection, China Yoo Hye-Sook untitled YHS.2022.021 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 11 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 3 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 4 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 6 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 8 Yoo Hye-Sook Passage – BBV 9 Yoon Ji-Eun Tunnel II Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre – K11055 Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Avant le point du jour Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre – K11076 Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Un arrangement Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Déplacement Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre – K11072 Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre – K11069 Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Rebondissement Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Flottement Private Collection Le jour vient Yoo Hye-Sook 08.09 > 12.11.2022 Yoon Ji-Eun Marche Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Aube Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun L’arrêt Private Collection Yoon Ji-Eun Dans la clarté Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre K11074 Yoon Ji-Eun Récréation Yoon Ji-Eun Composition Yoon Ji-Eun J’écris un dimanche I Yoon Ji-Eun J’écris un dimanche II Yoon Ji-Eun J’écris un dimanche III Yoon Ji-Eun J’écris un dimanche VI Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre 10 Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre 3 Yoon Ji-Eun Un dimanche matin I Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre 1 Yoon Ji-Eun Les petits rois Yoon Ji-Eun Un jour à la plage Yoon Ji-Eun Un petit regard Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre Yoon Ji-Eun Lorsque je voyage Yoon Ji-Eun Se laisser aspirer Yoon Ji-Eun Se poser Yoon Ji-Eun Une apparition Yoon Ji-Eun Ballade IV Yoon Ji-Eun Ballade III Yoon Ji-Eun Ballade II Yoon Ji-Eun Ballade I Yoon Ji-Eun Filet de lumières du matin II Yoon Ji-Eun Dialogue Yoon Ji-Eun Eau de pluie Yoon Ji-Eun Une nuit tourmentée Marlon Wobst Bathers Marlon Wobst Passerby Marlon Wobst Napoli Collection particulière, Luxembourg Marlon Wobst Witness Marlon Wobst Iron Man (run) Marlon Wobst Iron Man (in private) Marlon Wobst Iron Man (Bike) Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO X Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO IX Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO VIII Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO VII Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO VI Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO V Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO IV Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO III Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO II Nicolai Howalt OLD TJIKKO I Nicolai Howalt Preparation IV Nicolai Howalt Preparation III Nicolai Howalt Preparation II Nicolai Howalt Preparation I Nicolai Howalt Algae VII Nicolai Howalt Algae VI Nicolai Howalt Algae IV Nicolai Howalt Algae III Nicolai Howalt Algae II Nicolai Howalt Algae I Specimens Nicolai Howalt 12.05 > 02.07.2022 – EN Didier Boussarie Lumière d’août Didier Boussarie La sieste Didier Boussarie Bain de nuit Didier Boussarie Bain matinalPrivate Collection Didier Boussarie Petit pois II Didier Boussarie Flamants I Didier Boussarie Flamants II Didier Boussarie Fleurs d’eau I Didier Boussarie Fleurs d’eau II Didier Boussarie Fleurs d’eau III Didier Boussarie Ombres chinoises Private Collection, United States Didier Boussarie Nuit étoilée I Private Collection Nul homme que la lune n’ait vu L’Ancienne Nonciature & la Galerie Maria Lund 21.04 > 08.05.2022 – EN Didier Boussarie Reflets I Didier Boussarie Reflets II Private Collection Didier Boussarie Portrait Private Collection Didier Boussarie Lucy Private Collection Didier Boussarie Night River II Didier Boussarie Night River I Didier Boussarie La marinière Private collection, Denmark Didier Boussarie Les pieds dans l’eau Didier Boussarie Le fleuve Didier Boussarie Ombéllifère III Didier Boussarie Ombéllifère II Didier Boussarie Ombéllifère I Didier Boussarie L’autre rive II Didier Boussarie La danse I Didier Boussarie La danse II Didier Boussarie La danse III Didier Boussarie La danse IV Didier Boussarie Face au soleil Didier Boussarie L’heure jaune Didier Boussarie Petit pois I Didier Boussarie Nuit étoilée II Didier Boussarie Matin de décembre Didier Boussarie Feuillage Didier Boussarie La barque Didier Boussarie Vert Horizon Si le fleuve sous tes paupières Didier Boussarie 17.03 – 07.05.2022 Marlon Wobst Narziss mit Hund Marlon Wobst Transformer Marlon Wobst Morgen Marlon Wobst Atelier Marlon Wobst Hundespielplatz Marlon Wobst Parken Marlon Wobst Himmel Marlon Wobst Sunsetter Marlon Wobst Couple Sunsetter Marlon Wobst 27.01 > 12.03.2022 – EN Marlon Wobst Changing Private Collection, Luxembourg Marlon Wobst Brust Rücken Kraul Marlon Wobst Bayer Marlon Wobst WEITES MEER Nicolai Howalt Algae V Peter Martensen The Inventors Marlon Wobst Inferno Farida Le SuavéImpromptu Farida Le SuavéCap Carbon Farida Le SuavéShard (18th century pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (18th century pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (70s pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (Kabylian pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (18th century Indian pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (Art Deco pattern) Lyndi Sales Radial graph resonance of a heart in time and spaceLS.2021.012 Lyndi Sales Plant medicine healerLS.2021.013 Morten Søndergaard Armoire – Pharmacie des mots II Morten Søndergaard Bla bla bleu Morten Søndergaard Tout disparait Morten Søndergaard rien suffit Morten Søndergaard De rien Tableaux Bente Skjøttgaard 07.11.2021 – 08.01.2022 Morten Søndergaard Je t’écrirai plus tard Rose is a Rose is a roseFarida Le Suavé Peter Martensen Lyndi Sales Morten Søndergaard Marlon Wobst Luxembourt Art Week11.11.2021 – 14.11.2022 Beautés équivoquesLinda SwansonFondation Bernardaud18.06.2021 – 02.04.2022 Tissage, Solo ShowMin Jung-YeonDomaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire08.03 – 01.11.2021 Yoon Ji-Eun Passage de pierres I Yoon Ji-Eun Passage de pierres II Peter Martensen Blue Zero Min Jung-Yeon difficile d’accepter la réalité Voyager vers l’inaccompli Yoon Ji-Eun 16.09 – 31.10.2021 – EN Maria’s chronicle Perdre le fil – Losing the thread Johanna & Mickael Berdugo, Emmanuel Pariente 01.07 – 04.09.2021 Escape, de Chicago au Cap CarbonFarida le SuavéFrac Normandie, Caen19.06 – 22.08.2021 Didier Boussarie Dahlia K96206 Didier Boussarie Dahlia K96203 Didier Boussarie Dahlia K96205 Didier Boussarie dahlia K96197 Didier Boussarie Dahlia K96213 Là où se trouve la forêtElise PeroiLe Botanique, Bruxelles 27.05 – 11.07.2021 Esben Klemann untitled K12079 Esben Klemann untitled K12076 Esben Klemann untitled K12069 Window #3 A selection of artworks from our stockroom 07.05 – 09.07.2021 Esben Klemann untitled K12068 Lyndi Sales Meteoric Rainbow 90264Private collection, Paris Lyndi Sales Love is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole Lyndi Sales Catacomb dream map – A place where I found moments of resolution Lyndi Sales Every rule I have you’re breaking Lyndi Sales It’s a risk that I’m taking Lyndi Sales I can feel your halo Lyndi Sales It’s like I’ve been awakened Lyndi Sales I’m addicted to your light Lyndi Sales Surrounded by your embrace Lyndi Sales I can see your halo Lyndi Sales Hit me like a ray of sun Lyndi Sales I ain’t never gonna shut you out Lyndi Sales Pray it wont fade away Lyndi Sales They came tumbling down Lyndi Sales Standing in the light of your halo Lyndi Sales Remember those wall I built Lyndi Sales Amor Fati Lyndi Sales Common love or celestial love: Some things are simple others are hard to explain Lyndi Sales Love is your light in action Lyndi Sales Temptation is divine Lyndi Sales The unseen sometimes feels more real Lyndi Sales Addicted to a certain kind of sadness Lyndi Sales You were hiding in the sun Lyndi Sales Radiating fulfilment On being Lyndi Sales 06.05 – 27.06.2021 Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Un portrait Esben Klemann untitled K12018 Window #2 A selection of artworks from our stockroom 02.04 – 30.04.2021 Fee Kleiss Lage lage Fee Kleiss Atlanta Fee Kleiss Beet Fee Kleiss Dürrefetish Fee Kleiss Five Boroughs Fee Kleiss Geisteratom Fee Kleiss Mondfrost Fee Kleiss Studio Sahara Fee Kleiss Garlic Loveland Fee Kleiss Comfort Zone Fee Kleiss Fruit Suite Fee Kleiss Hippo Sorrows Didier Boussarie sans titre K96175 Peter Martensen The Setup Window A selection of artworks from our stockroom 17.02 – 02.04.2021 Peter Martensen The Game Peter Martensen Square happyness Peter Martensen Get high Peter Martensen The diary Peter Martensen Waterman blue Peter Martensen The StudioPrivate collection, Luxembourg Peter Martensen Me and my I’s Peter Martensen The Philosophers (Sketch for ‘The Studio’) Peter Martensen The Performance Peter Martensen The Morning before Awakening Peter Martensen The Collectors (Sketch for ‘The Studio’) Peter Martensen Sketch for ‘The Studio’ K26714 Peter Martensen Sketch for ‘The Studio’ K26713 Peter Martensen La promenade Peter Martensen Dark Room Peter Martensen Screens Peter Martensen Men’s Place Peter Martensen Blue Pontus Peter Martensen Blue Peter Peter Martensen Blue Morten Peter Martensen Blue Erin Peter Martensen Blue Andreas Peter Martensen Sketch for “The Studio” 2 Peter Martensen Sketch for “The Studio” 3 Peter Martensen Sketch for “The Studio” 1 Peter Martensen Nature Morten dans la forêt Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 46 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 45 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 44 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 43 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 33 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 27 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 25 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 24 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 23 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 17 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 14 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 2 Lyndi Sales Drawer drawing 1 Elise Peroi Nébuleuse K80009Private collection, California Bente SkjøttgaardMini nuagesK64359-69-68-66-71 Bente SkjøttgaardMini nuagesK64361-63-70-72-67 Bente Skjøttgaard Mini nuages K64362-60-65-58-64 Min Jung-Yeon Passage de l’air Min Jung-Yeon Plage d’un poète Min Jung-Yeon Mirage Marlon Wobst Balenciaga Marlon Wobst Aquarium Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen ART is power (9) – heART Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen ART is power (7) – heART Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen ART is power (4) – heART Elise Peroi Connivence Haut Bas Elise Peroi Paysage poétique 2 Peter Martensen Documents Peter Martensen Audience Peter Martensen Heads Peter Martensen White words Peter Martensen Stetoskop Peter Martensen Listeners Peter Martensen New sensations Peter Martensen Roots Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10100 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10099 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10098 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10097 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10096 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10095 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10094 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10093 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt K10092 Nicolai Howalt Dying birds / How to hunt Marlon Wobst Self awareness Yoon Ji-Eun Les choses les plus simples Yoon Ji-Eun Le vent Yoon Ji-Eun Forme indécise Yoon Ji-Eun Déferlement Shoi Home Shoi Cœur de tigre Remedies Online group show 05.12 – 31.12.2020 Yoon Ji-Eun Retentir dans la nuit Yoon Ji-Eun Etoile filante Lee Jin Woo sans titre K97354 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97352 bla bla bleu Peter Martensen & Morten Søndergaard 04.02 – 28.03.2021 Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen A twelve year head fracturePrivate collection, California Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Amphora Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Storksnest Musée des Arts Décoratifs (MAD) collection, Paris Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Female walk polished floors Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Female hunting Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Female with watermelon Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Tablet red Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Tablet pink Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Tablet blue Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Tablet green-blue Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Female with tweed fez Musée des Arts Décoratifs (MAD) collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon La grotte Min Jung-Yeon Passage Min Jung-Yeon Somewhere Min Jung-Yeon Somewhere 3 Min Jung-Yeon Sommeil Shoi Me and my sister and my mother Shoi Me and pottery Shoi Mirage Shoi Ice cream shop Shoi Friend I met in the desert Shoi Mom is working Shoi To find my own island Shoi Their party Shoi The scenery in my head Shoi Dance of eternity Shoi Any city Shoi My blue friends Shoi My blue wave Shoi My island Shoi Goodbye everybody Shoi The price of paradise Shoi My little boat Shoi Alone Schwarz Contemporary present Fee Kleiss 18.10 – 12.12.2020 Shoi Blue sweater Shoi A witch’s childhood Shoi Moon clouds Shoi Rise Shoi Sea fog Shoi Some night Shoi Some souvenir Shoi Stop thinking Min Jung-Yeon Shoi ASIA NOW Paris Asian Art Fair 21 – 24.10.2020 Elise Peroi Hélios Elise Peroi Soulever le voile Elise Peroi Monolithe Elise Peroi Métamorphose 1 rv à l’air libre Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen 16.10.2020 – 30.01.2021 Variations of Old TjikkoNicolai HowaltNicolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen 28.08.2020-24.01.2021 Elise Peroi Furoshiki variation Elise Peroi Extérieur vitré Elise Peroi Mal peignée Elise Peroi Courte paille Elise Peroi Hélios ocre Elise Peroi Hélios bleu Elise Peroi SablierK80006 Elise Peroi SablierK80005 Elise Peroi SablierK80004 Elise Peroi Paysage poétiquePrivate collection Elise Peroi Isola Mobilier national et manufactures nationales collections, Paris Elise Peroi Paysage fragmentPrivate collection, Paris Elise Peroi Icare à balançoire Peter Neuchs O rio que passou Peter Neuchs La Huella Variations of Old Tjikko Nicolai Howalt Nicolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen 28.08.2020 – 24.01.2021 All solid melts into air Bente Skjøttgaard & Anne Damgaard Kunstpakhuset, Ikast, Denmark 13.06-02.08.2020 Proche du soleil Elise Peroi 11.09 – 10.10.2020 Farida Le SuavéShard (18th century pattern) Farida Le SuavéTêteK02038 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02040 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02041 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02039 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02037 Summer thinking Farida Le Suavé Didier Boussarie Peter Neuchs Lyndi Sales Marlon Wobst Shoi 03.07 – 05.09.2020 Peter Neuchs La Huella Didier Boussarie Le biscuit Didier Boussarie untitled Didier Boussarie Le chignon Shoi Rolling rolling Shoi Last shadow’s time Shoi Qui est le chat? Shoi Eté 2020 dans la pub de GIFI Shoi Pour sa nouvelle pomme Shoi It’s okay, the moon is beautiful Shoi Méduses touristes Shoi Que sera sera Shoi Sa nouvelle pomme Shoi Tu es venu me voir mon frère Shoi A childhood Shoi On the beach Shoi Ma Maison Marlon Wobst Me Marlon Wobst Brown Marlon Wobst Blonde Looking at cloudsBente SkjøttgaardMusée des beaux-arts de Cambrai 21.12.2019-28.06.2020 Bente SkjøttgaardCumulus no1622 Bente SkjøttgaardYellow and pink no 1346 Bente Skjøttgaard Accumulation turquoise Collection Sèvres – Manufacture et musée nationaux Bente Skjøttgaard Clouds field 1037-3 Collection du Musée de Châteauroux Min Jung-Yeon Navires en silence Min Jung-Yeon Somewhere 2 Farida Le SuavéSens du ventCollection FDAC de l’Orne Farida Le SuavéBelobeCollection FRAC de Rouen Farida Le SuavéTêteK02036 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02035 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02034 Farida Le SuavéTêteK02033 Farida Le SuavéShard (1960s pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (Art Deco pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (18th century pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (17th century pattern) Farida Le SuavéShard (sixties pattern)Collection particulière Farida Le SuavéSouffleK02025 Farida Le SuavéSouffleK02024 Farida Le SuavéTouché Farida Le SuavéSoliloque Farida Le SuavéHelmet Farida Le SuavéLadivine Farida Le SuavéI love you Farida Le SuavéColonnes sans préambule Farida Le SuavéBonnet phrygien Didier Boussarie Arbre (tree) Private Collection, Republic of Korea Didier Boussarie Sans titre Private collection, Republic of Korea Didier Boussarie Untitled (“a fly”) Private collection, France Didier Boussarie Untiled (hair bun) Private Collection, Paris Didier Boussarie Ours au bain I Private collection, Spain Didier Boussarie untitled Private Collection, Paris Didier Boussarie untitled Private collection, France Nicolai Howalt Light Break Nicolai Howalt Light Break (wavelength_594-7nm) Nicolai Howalt Light Break (wavelength_567-1nm) Nicolai Howalt Light Break (wavelength_495-0nm) Nicolai Howalt Light Break (wavelength_431-1nm) Nicolai Howalt Element K10064 Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Nicolai Howalt Element K10085 Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Nicolai Howalt Element K10089 Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Nicolai Howalt Element K10090 Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Nicolai Howalt Element – Solphor S16 Didier Boussarie untitled Private collection, Paris Didier Boussarie untitled Le Pavillon de la Reine collection, Paris Yoon Ji-Eun Sa maisonnette Peter Martensen The Focus Peter Martensen She IIPrivate collection Peter Martensen Paper tracker Peter Martensen Poet Peter MartensenThe heritage Peter MartensenThe present Peter MartensenThe multiverse city Peter MartensenReflections on whiteness Peter MartensenThe Order (Sense and sensibility) Private collection, California Peter MartensenThe big discussion Nicolai Howalt Silver Migration Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Yoon Ji-Eun Jour de pluie Private collection, Paris Yoon Ji-Eun Voyage dans ma tête 22 Yoon Ji-Eun Une caverne Yoon Ji-Eun sans titre Min Jung-Yeon Dawn after night 13.03. – 27.06.2020 Min Jung-Yeon Le matin calme Min Jung-Yeon Calanque 2 Min Jung-Yeon Calanque Min Jung-Yeon La douleur acide Min Jung-Yeon Nopsae 2 Min Jung-Yeon Nopsae 3 Min Jung-Yeon Ile Min Jung-Yeon Wind Min Jung-Yeon Wind up Synliggørelser (Renderings)Nicolai HowaltDen Frie, Center of contemporary art, Copenhagen 07.03-14.06.2020 Min Jung-Yeon Wind 3 Min Jung-Yeon L’heure de prendre la route Min Jung-Yeon Le nœud de Moebius Min Jung-Yeon Hérisson romantique Min Jung-Yeon Col de l’orgueil Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon Nopsae Min Jung-Yeon Mécanisme mental Min Jung-Yeon L’aube à la falaise Min Jung-Yeon Lutte Min Jung-Yeon Falaise de prière Min Jung-Yeon Elégance hystérique Peter MartensenBorder Peter MartensenSavior Min Jung-Yeon La route des cyprès Min Jung-Yeon Les racines Min Jung-Yeon Le doute d’horizon I Min Jung-Yeon Peut-être trois lunes Min Jung-Yeon Allons au désert Peter MartensenCamp Bente SkjøttgaardMetamorphosis #1650 Bente Skjøttgaardmetamorphosis#1631 Bente Skjøttgaardsans titreK64323 Bente SkjøttgaardWeather set 1353 Bente SkjøttgaardCloud n°1310 Peter MartensenThe Switch Peter MartensenThe Play Peter MartensenThe Relocation Peter MartensenThe Future Peter MartensenAvantgarde Exposition personnelle Farida Le Suavé Médiathèque de Flers / Scène nationale d’Alençon 01.02-29.02.2020 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02016 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureFRAC Normandie Caen collection Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureFRAC Normandie Caen collection Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureFRAC Normandie Caen collection Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02013 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02011 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02010 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02009 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureK02008 Farida Le SuavéRébus pour la sculptureFRAC Normandie Caen collection Thinking like a mountain Helene Schmitz Fotografiska, New York 14.12.2019 – 12.04.2020 Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Endlessly Private collection, France Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Internalness Private collection, France Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Compressionated Private collection, France Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen Single dialogue Private collection, Mexico Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Being II Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Instants Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Rester Devenir Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Au petit jour Private collection, Paris Elle-Mie Ejdrup Hansen Selfportrait Private collection, Pennsylvania, United States Peter Neuchs untitled K46174 Frac Normandie collection, Rouen Peter Neuchs Tempestade Peter Neuchs Night Swimming 3 Peter Neuchs Nightly wanderings Peter Neuchs Dreamtests 10 Peter Neuchs Dreamtests 5 Peter Neuchs Waterflow Peter Neuchs Pedras vermelhas Peter Neuchs Corridor 1 Nicolai Howalt Silver Migration 16 Nicolai Howalt Silver Migration 3 Musée de l’Élysée, Lausanne Nicolai Howalt Silver Migration 7 Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne Esben Klemann untitled K12090 Esben Klemann untitled K12087 Esben Klemann untitled K12085 Esben Klemann untitled K12017 Esben Klemann untitled K12066 Esben Klemann untitled 3 K12063 Nicolai Howalt LightBreak (wavelength_710nm 04) Nicolai Howalt LightBreak (wavelength_718-0nm) Nicolai Howalt LightBreak (wavelength_423-0nm) Nicolai Howalt LightBreak (wavelength_403-7nm) Linda Swanson Grotta Wall 2 Linda Swanson Califactum K99030 Linda Swanson Califactum K99032 Linda Swanson Grotta Wall 3 Linda Swanson Grotta Wall 4,5 Linda Swanson Califactum K99028 Linda Swanson Grotta Form 2 Private collection, Paris Linda Swanson Neodymium Private collection, Paris Helene Schmitz Sounds of Silence Helene Schmitz The Lounge Helene Schmitz Dunes Helene Schmitz The Darlingtonia and the moth Helene Schmitz Southern Landscape Helene Schmitz untitled K15045 Helene Schmitz untitled K15045 Copenhagen City Collection, Denmark Helene Schmitz The Door Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire collection, France Nicolai Howalt LightBreak Private collection, Belgium Nicolai Howalt Colour correction lamp Private collection, Paris Esben Klemann untitled K12013 Private collection, Paris Esben Klemann untitled K12010 Private collection, Paris Esben Klemann untitled K12003 Private collection, Paris Migrations Nicolai Howalt Esben Klemann Pipaluk Lake 16.11. 2019 – 11.01.2020 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97287 Musée Cernuschi collection, Paris Carte blanche Min Jung-Yeon Musée Guimet 06.11.2019 – 17.02.2020 Pipaluk Lake Drops V Pipaluk Lake Suspension I Pipaluk Lake Drops VII Pipaluk Lake Hanging object XII Pipaluk Lake Meltwater I Pipaluk Lake Meltwater VI Pipaluk Lake Meltwater IX Pipaluk Lake Framework II Pipaluk Lake Weave Private collection, Korea Pipaluk Lake Levitate Private collection, France Pipaluk Lake Double suspension Private collection, Japan Pipaluk Lake Twiggy Private collection, Japan Shoi What do you see in me ? Shoi Être part 2 en dessous no 8 Shoi In the vase & my horns (Vespers) Shoi Shadow 1 Shoi Je ne pense plus, mais je suis là toujours Shoi Only the clouds Shoi For my dear (deer) Shoi Notre première rencontre Emerige collection , France Shoi Non, je n’ai pas mal je suis heureuse, je suis heureuse Emerige collection, France Min Jung-Yeon Tissage Min Jung-Yeon Nomade 2 Private collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon Masse 1 MAMC collection – Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Etienne Métropole Min Jung-Yeon Nomade 3 Private collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon Fragile air Private collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon Nomade 1 Private collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon Poussière d’hier Private collection, Denmark Min Jung-Yeon Doubt Private collection, Denmark Min Jung-Yeon Our long summer in the rain Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts collection, Paris Min Jung-Yeon L’Hibernation Min Jung-Yeon L’escalier Min Jung-Yeon Suicide d’un magnolia Min Jung-Yeon White Hole Min Jung-Yeon Garden of cypress Min Jung-Yeon A drowsy lake Bente Skjøttgaard Weather Set no 1341 Bente Skjøttgaard Weather Set no 1356 Bente Skjøttgaard White Green Species no 1554 Bente Skjøttgaard Mnemiopsis Leidyi no 1847 Bente Skjøttgaard Mnemiopsis Leidyi no 1871 Bente Skjøttgaard Turbulence no 1329 Bente Skjøttgaard Frieze P7 no 1217 Bente Skjøttgaard White species no 1558 Bente Skjøttgaard Mnemiopsis Leidyi no 1843 MAD (Museum of Decorative Arts) collection, Paris Bente Skjøttgaard Mnemiopsis Leidyi no 1869 MAD (Museum of Decorative Arts) collection, Paris Bente Skjøttgaard White Rocks no 0803 Fond National d’Art Contemporain collection, France Bente Skjøttgaard Cumulonimbus no 1620 MAD (Museum of Decorative Arts) collection, Paris Marlon Wobst Englischer Garten Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16116 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16117 Yoon Ji-Eun Voyage dans ma tête Yoon Ji-Eun Une entrée Yoon Ji-Eun Sans titre Lyndi SalesLove and fear, moving forward using all my breath Lee Jin Woo untitled K97346 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97347 Lene Bødker The Beginning Lene Bødker Tribute to Alhambra III Lene Bødker From Earth I Didier Boussarie The swell Didier Boussarie Primates Didier Boussarie Dahlia 9 Didier Boussarie Amour en cage Didier Boussarie Orbicular choregraphy I Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16102 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16115 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16099 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled K16111 Lee Jin Woo Min Jung-Yeon Shoi Yoon Ji-Eun ASIA NOW Paris Asian Art Fair 16 – 20.10.2019 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97345 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97349 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97350 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97341 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97351 Lee Jin Woo untitled K97344 Farida le Suavé Love at First Sight Farida le Suavé Fragment K02006 Farida le Suavé Two pots Farida le Suavé Fragment K02005 Farida le Suavé Bloom Farida le Suavé Embraced Yoon Ji-EunPrésentPrivate collection, Paris Lene Bødker From Earth Musée des Arts Décoratifs collection, Paris Lene Bødker You are embraced and at home Private collection, Seoul, Republic of Korea Lene Bødker Resting Lene Bødker I am still alive I Lene Bødker Pruning Lene Bødker Cave Lene Bødker Tribute to Alhambra I Lene Bødker From Earth II Lyndi SalesThe unified field Lyndi SalesA place where I found moments … Private collection, Benin Lyndi SalesAudience Private collection, Lebanon Lyndi SalesWinding course, I found a Rainbow butterfly once Peter MartensenThe knowledge FRAC Normandie collection, Rouen Peter MartensenThe settlementMAMC collection – Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Etienne Métropole Formes vivantes Participation : Farida Le Suavé Musée national Adrien Dubouché, Limoges 09.10.2019-10.02.2020 Lyndi SalesDoors of perception Lyndi SalesFlight path I, 3-3 Collection Société Générale, Paris Lyndi Salesuntitled K90038FRAC Normandie collection , Rouen Lyndi SalesSelfie Lyndi SalesErosion drawing 1 Lyndi SalesA place where i found moments of connectedness Catacomb dream map 5 Lyndi Sales Moth to the flame Lyndi SalesWhite wash Lyndi SalesUntitledK90147 Lyndi Sales The person that you see physically… Peter MartensenFantom – Phantom Peter MartensenMountain ride Peter MartensenWintertime Peter MartensenSnow and paper Peter MartensenSnowPrivate collection, Paris Peter MartensenZero Peter Martensen Waterman Peter MartensenThe party Peter MartensenThe focus Peter MartensenThe spot test Peter MartensenThe first step Peter MartensenThe multiverse academy Peter MartensenAften – NightPrivate collection Peter MartensenThe exchange Relax Marlon Wobst 13.09. – 09.11.2019 Chère chair (Dear Flesh – Fabulous Flesh) Farida le Suavé Jeremy Stigter 23.05 – 20.07.2019 Eranthis Lee Jin Woo 23.03 – 18.05.2019 I found a rainbow butterfly once Lyndi Sales 26.01 – 16.03.2019 Marlon Wobst Viewer Private Collection Marlon Wobst Tanz Private Collection Bente Skjøttgaard Look at me ! 10.11.2018 – 5.01.2019 Marlon Wobst Diskussion Private Collection Marlon Wobst Solo Trip | Duo Trip | Monstera Trip Private collection, Germany Marlon Wobst Starter Private collection, Denmark Marlon Wobst Ritt Private Collection Marlon Wobst Mare Mosso Private collection, Paris Peter Martensen Call from inside 14.09. – 03.11.2018 Foyers (Hearths) Yoo Hye-Sook 23.05 – 16.06.2018 Pluto’s letter Min Jung-Yeon 06.03. – 28.04.2018 Marlon Wobst Crib Private Collection Marlon Wobst Schritt Private Collection Marlon Wobst Ausflug Private Collection Marlon Wobst Wüste Private Collection Marlon Wobst Winter Private Collection Marlon Wobst Blaumachen Private Collection Marlon Wobst Suche Private Collection Marlon Wobst Grotte Private Collection Phasis Linda Swanson 27.01. – 1.03.2018 Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Art Bank – National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Art Bank – National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Soma Museum, Seoul, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Soma Museum, Seoul, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Soma Museum, Seoul, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Soma Museum, Seoul, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Hyundae Munhak, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Hyundae Munhak, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Cheongju Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Cheongju Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Musée Cernuschi, Paris, France Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Ujong Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Suwon Park Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Yoo Hye-Sook untitled Suwon Park Museum of Art, Republic of Korea Nicolai Howalt Esben Klemann de travers (sideways) 7.11.2017 – 6.01.2018 L’Oasi Marlon Wobst 08.09. > 31.10.2017 Undone Sketches Peter Martensen 17.06. – 23.07.2016 Starter Marlon Wobst 06.11.2015 – 09.01.2016 Mirages Yoon Ji-Eun 16.03. – 27.04.2013 Demander le chemin à mes chaussures Min Jung-Yeon MAMC+, Saint-Etienne Métropole 23.06 – 30.09.2012
Peter Martensen
by Marion Bahy-Baril
Exhibitions Currently Mais le paysage est encore là Min Jung-Yeon 27.01 > 18.03.2022 Upcoming Mais le paysage est encore là Min Jung-Yeon 27.01 > 18.03.2022 All the exhibitions Croquez la pomme Min Jung-Yeon 2.02. > 15.03.2025 Studies in Falling Helene Schmitz 08.11.2024 > 08.01.2025 Boundaries Peter Martensen 20.09 > 02.11.2024 … in Motion[group show]29.06 > 14.09.2024 Étang Communal (communal pond) Didier Boussarie 16.05 > 15.06.2024 Unanswered Questions Yoon Ji-Eun 22.03 > 11.05.2024 Timberline Bente Skjøttgaard 02.02 > 16.03.2024 Tribes Marlon Wobst 02.11.2023 > 13.01.2024 Silk Elise Peroi 15.09 – 28.10.2023 Overlappings Lyndi Sales 17.05 – 15.07.2023
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