Group show
Through a variety of means and motivations, the four Korean artists presented question temporality, impermanence and life experiences that continue to resurface:
Yoon Ji-Eun (b. 1982) sculpts, marks and digs into wood to simultaneously bring together time, place and action. She seeks to account for the continuous interaction between the past, the present and the world of dreams. The walls open onto new horizons, the planes merge into one another…
Lee Jin Woo (b. 1959), like a highly sophisticated labourer, creates strata of traditional materials – Hanji paper and charcoal – inscribing in them the passage of time and the emotions that pass through it. Dense, multifocal landscapes are formed, inviting the eye to move around, to penetrate the surface and to finally be transported elsewhere.
Min Jung-Yeon (b. 1979) is fascinated by the duality residing in all things, by their opposites, their struggles, their encounters and the impulses that flow from them. The works communicate the great existential flow of a world in permanent transformation where instability also transmits an irrefutable force, where meticulous representation and free-flowing gestures coexist.
In the hands of Shoi (b. 1983), the Moon Jar – a type of traditional Korean ceramic container – becomes a form of self-portrait full of sincerity and humor. The interior holds its secrets: dreams, anxieties and desires. Revisiting her Korean heritage, popular beliefs as well as universal and archetypal symbols, Shoi pursues through her new sculptures the development of a personal mythology.
Dossier de presse Carte blanche à Min Jung-Yeon
Novembre 2019Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet
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Publications and texts
“Dreamy, Grotesque and Surreal: Into the Deep Subconscious of Min Jung-Yeon” (in French)
Chat Room – ASIA NOW – 18. 10. 2019
With Sophie Makariou, Director of the musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet, Min Jung-Yeon, artist, and Maria Lund, gallerist. Moderated by Olivia Sand, journalist for the Asian Art Newspaper and author of the book “Contemporary Voices from the Asian and Islamic Art Worlds”.
Carte blanche à Min Jung-Yeon
Musée Guimet
Beaux Arts Éditions
Novembre 2019
Le musée Guimet donne carte blanche à l’artiste coréenne Min Jung-Yeon. Installée dans la rotonde du musée, l’œuvre immersive Tissage, s’appuie sur la réalité tragique de cette Corée scindée en deux depuis maintenant 65 ans, ainsi que sur les théories du philosophe Lao-Tseu et du physicien quantique Carlo Rovelli. Beaux Arts Éditions se fait l’écho de cette carte blanche et revient sur cette installation qui se transforme, se mue et change au gré des déambulations des spectateurs.
Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,