On being
Lyndi Sales is searching.
She is searching for an elsewhere and is searching for a reunion. An escape to better connect to the world, to others, to herself. A love quest in the platonic sense, where love means a progression towards the knowledge of beauty and in fine the access to the indivisible*.
Lyndi Sales’ work process is meditative: she repeats gestures in a carefully crafted sound universe to provoke specific emotions (sadness, euphoria, melancholia, ecstasy) in order to enter a state of maximum receptivity… A dream of Utopia in response to a void, the feeling of being separated from others, even though beings are the universe and breathe together. The artist aspires to overcome contradictory emotions that characterize human life, by opening herself to an interior, contemplative world leading to other levels of consciousness. By doing so, she reaches new visions and distances herself from a sometimes hurtful societal reality.
* The definition of Diotima in Plato’s Banquet.
Paris Gallery Weekend
03/04/05/06 06.202111 am - 6 pmGalerie Maria Lund
Sunday opening
May 30th, 20212pm-6pmGalerie Maria Lund
Carte blanche to Louis Siracusa & Antonin Le FaureContemporary, baroque and improvised musicBass & viola
June 4th, 20217pmGalerie Maria Lund
Publications and texts
Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,