
The composition of a hormone that makes people love, a crystal structure and its parallel among the stars, deep web and mandalas : Lyndi Sales borrows from the scientific and technological imaging as well as from symbolic representations.

She questions, juxtaposes, looks, dreams to confront fears and fascinations, marvelling and horror. Through her two or three-dimensional works, the artist pushes back the frontiers of the visible to reach a better comprehension of the world. Her exploration of social realities comes with a spiritual quest.For years now, she has been finding some of her inspiration in the cutting-edge spatial research while also learning from Buddhist thinking. Navigating between microcosmos and macrocosms, between the tangible and the immaterial, a number of her works are looking to give shape to dualities such as light/obscurity, masculine/feminine, life/death. A desire for balance, visions and utopias or even other possible realms characterizes Lyndi Sales’ universe which is profoundly shaped by her environment : a highly-contrasted South-African reality where innovation and material deprivation live side by side.

Her language is the language of beauty, such as the captivating beauty of the butterfly that embodies the possibility of mutation.

In pictures


Type d'événement





23 Août 202018h-20h30Galerie Maria Lund

Artist talk

Nicolai Howalt & Esben Klemann

Samedi 16 novembre17hGalerie Maria Lund


La peinture métaphysique de Peter Martensen L'Oeil

Septembre 2017N° 704Fabien Simode

Peter Martensen "ravage " l'entendement Libre Belgique - Arts Libre

23 Août 2017Semaine du 23 au 29 Août 2017Roger-Pierre Turine

Vous avez dit "Complot" ?Dossier Le Monde diplomatique

Juin 2015N°735Dossier illustré par Peter Martensen

Publications and texts

Peter Martensen - The Multiverse Academy



Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,



Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,

Peter Martensen - Aften - Soir



Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,