The concept of shift —either physically or mentally— has long been representative of Lyndi Sales’s work. In Overlappings, she reaffirms her intent to go beyond the limits of the visible, beyond conventional perception. The exhibition title is to be understood both literally and metaphorically: Lyndi Sales composes by overlapping materials and references – the spiritual and the mundane, myths and reality as described by science. She draws from her travels, her personal background and her sensory experiences. Different influences and cultures coexist in her search for a universal visual language. The artist creates a singular vision, springing from an altered perception of the universe, thus leading the way to a world that is both out of time and out of space. In an era when the flow of images is constant and omnipresent, Lyndi Sales seems to reclaim a need to enter other worlds, a need for a deep imagery of the self.
Her work takes the material form of collages, meditative drawings, as well as drawn and embroidered textiles. By their intense luminosity, Lyndi Sales’s latest works have a powerful attraction. They act like a spiral or a vortex, drawing in the gaze to take it always further.
In Overlappings, Lyndi Sales invites us to open our eyes and our emotions wide with her, in a journey without destination but ourselves. She does so by her breath-taking works, mesmerising in a wonder similar to a peacock suddenly spreading its tail or to the glistening waters. But her intent does not stop at the immediate attraction and the possibility of enchantment: her more intimate desire is also to invite us to dig deeper, to know and further our relationship to others and the world.
In pictures

Louis Siracusa & Antonin Le Faure (doublebass & viola)
Thursday, June 8th8pmGalerie Maria Lund
The new musical program, enCyclies, inspired by her current exhibition Overlappings, in which shapes, movements and dimensions merge limpidly.
Named after the ripples that form on the surface of water when an object is dropped into it, enCyclies are both a fascinating physical phenomenon and a natural, poetic artistic movement.
The theme of water in music is a vast one, and one that has inspired many pieces. We did not want to respond to it too literally but to leave open a field of possibilities where different sound universes can intermingle. The recurrence and ephemerality of these waves would be the two main themes of the event.
The program will thus mix different pieces drawn from post-modern and contemporary worlds, from spectral music to iterative music, from neo-tonality to generative improvisation.
Publications and texts
Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,