
If you are expecting Didier Boussarie in a distinct place, most likely will he be elsewhere. An unshakable libertarian with a captivating curiosity, he explores and thrives, digs further and always surprises. The work processes and matters change, exchange and sometimes return.

Thirty years ago, the form was dense, almost naive. Today, an expressive figuration seems to arise from more or less rapid gestures. A tireless painter and draughtsman, Didier Boussarie knows how to create worlds in volume or morph into a taxidermist when he wishes to play with an irresistible finding. For several years, the artist kept an arachnean colony in his studio in order to explore a new kind of acrobatics; with Indian ink he would darken the silk threads woven by his weaver friends.

Living close to the river was a dream come true: Didier Boussarie now has a studio in the Loiret. That is how the water spirit began to visit him. In the beginning, it whispered landscapes of the Loire, this seemingly calm water, and the activity that unfolds on its banks. First, the blue day, the green evening, the black night and recently variations in yellow and red. More than ever colour plays out and the compositions – just like water – spread on the entire surface… Soon, plants – irises and cow parsnips – invade the banks and one of them draws shadows on a face… a woman’s face among the trees alongside the river.And the nymph settles. She wanders around, tries a few dance steps, takes her clothes off, swims as the landscape changes its colour. She wears flower dresses, and this motif becomes background and wallpaper, when she appears in polka dot knickers, barelegged, only wearing a fur-hooded jacket – her back turned to the painter. In a second portrait, she is standing, facing him, wearing rubber boots to brave the humidity of the blue landscape, which is in fact a canvas in the studio. An image within an image. From a real landscape to scenography. Didier Boussarie opens a door on a theatric nature for an inner vision, the fantasy to unravel It is on this very doorstep – where several worlds intersect and interweave – that If the river beneath your eyelids is has its source.

In pictures



Si le fleuve sous tes paupières

Thursday 17.03.2022

5pm > 8:30pm
Galerie Maria Lund

Sunday opening

Suynday 27.03.2022

2pm > 6pm
Galerie Maria Lund


Didier Boussarie is part of Surpopulation

18.02 - 26.03.2022

IMMIX galerie
116 quai de Jemmapes, 75011 Paris


Publications and texts

MEET - Didier Boussarie (subtitled in English)

Colours, materiality and tools