Call from inside
Determined actions, apathy and immobility cohabitate in Peter Martensen’s latest works. Parallel scenarios play out simultaneously – an atmosphere both strange and familiar hovers … From there emanates a feeling of mystery, abdication, even chaos where images of timeless tranquility slip in.
Call from inside, the title of his new show raises questions. Is it an allusion to our deeper self ? Could it be a reference to primary layers, recalling certain fundamentals of human existence? Or maybe an incentive to wake up ?
Peter Martensen sets in the manner of a scenographer who juxtaposes accessories and human figures, creating “tempo” in a space to discover the achieved effect. A formal approach – that tends towards an emotional neutrality – completed by the desires and motivations of the artist as a manipulator of matter. Because of the choices that the artist makes, his works become the conveyor of poignant observations, deep anxieties, dreams. In a multiverse world, Peter Martensen brings the most diverse registers and “realities” together, that form our perceptive frame in all its complex scope. He speaks of a “mental reality”.
Type d'événement
23 Août 202018h-20h30Galerie Maria Lund
Artist talk
Nicolai Howalt & Esben Klemann
Samedi 16 novembre17hGalerie Maria Lund
La peinture métaphysique de Peter Martensen L'Oeil
Septembre 2017N° 704Fabien Simode
Peter Martensen "ravage " l'entendement Libre Belgique - Arts Libre
23 Août 2017Semaine du 23 au 29 Août 2017Roger-Pierre Turine
Vous avez dit "Complot" ?Dossier Le Monde diplomatique
Juin 2015N°735Dossier illustré par Peter Martensen
Publications and texts
Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C.,