
Born in 1953 in Odense, Denmark.
Lives and works in Copenhagen and Northern Sealand.

Peter Martensen sets in the manner of a scenographer who juxtaposes accessories and human figures in a space that is both familiar and unknown to us. His works become the conveyor of poignant observations, deep anxieties, yet also a meeting place with dreams. In a multiverse world, Peter Martensen brings the most diverse registers and “realities” together, that form our perceptive frame in all its complex scope. He speaks of a “mental reality”.

Drawing occupies a very important place in Peter Martensen’s work: charcoal offers modelling in the most subtle tones, watercolor or ink a fluidity, which quick pencil and pen strokes define and delineate.

Some artworks



Peter Martensen

20.09 – 02.11.2024

A keen observer of his time and of the depths of the human soul, Peter Martensen offers us a set of vivid scenes with Boundaries. There, human figures navigate through landscapes —on the edge of a pit, their feet in the water, on a small boat, near invisible, melted in a field—, or through nameless enclosed spaces and pens. Despite the prevalent stillness of these situations, there is great tension

bla bla bleu

Peter Martensen

04.02 – 27.03.2021

“Blue conversations” between the two Danish artists are behind bla bla bleu, the first shared exhibition of painter Peter Martensen and his dear friend poet, performer and artist Morten Søndergaard.
Indigo lies at the heart of it all: its sounds, space, light, time. Peter Martensen alludes to the indigo colour as a state and evokes the distance it brings as a master of memory and oblivion. He points out its luminosity in the obscurity and compares its melancholic tone to a cello’s. Morten Søndergaard puts forth its transformative and enchanting dimension, its link to the depths of existence.

Undone sketches

Peter Martensen

17.06. – 23.07.2016

Intentions, ideas, notes, projects, plans, diaries, memoirs, registers, archives or simple sheets of paper… Our life, our thoughts, our dreams often exist in writing – and sometimes only exist as written traces… Drawers and other containers are filled with them. To this we can add the attempts, the aborted projects, the impossibilities… The confrontation with a reality that does not want to emerge or that collides with the eternal lack of time. Not to mention documents with such sensitive material that they live in the shadows… until the day when …

Call from inside

Peter Martensen

14.09. – 03.11.2018

Determined actions, apathy and immobility cohabitate in Peter Martensen’s latest works. Parallel scenarios play out simultaneously – an atmosphere both strange and familiar hovers … From there emanates a feeling of mystery, abdication, even chaos where images of timeless tranquility slip in. Call from inside, the title of his new show raises questions. Is it an allusion to our deeper self ? Could it be a reference to primary layers, recalling certain fundamentals of human existence? Or maybe an incentive to wake up ?

Off site

MAMC, Saint-Etienne Métropole


Peter Martensen

09. 03 – 27. 08. 2017

Sans cesse en quête d’une vérité artistique et existentielle, Peter Martensen trace, à travers sa peinture, son propre chemin, indépendamment des modes parfois aléatoires du monde de l’art. Nombreux sont les musées danois qui lui ont offert leurs cimaises et depuis, il a été présenté en Suède, en Italie, en Corée comme à New York ou Paris. Ravage est sa première exposition monographique dans un musée français [extrait du communiqué de presse].

Maison du Danemark, Paris


Peter Martensen

06. 09 – 29. 10. 2017

Première exposition de l’artiste sur la scène institutionnelle parisienne, Ravage rassemble peintures, dessins, sculpture et vidéos témoignant de la cohérence de la démarche de l’artiste. Loin d’une rétrospective de l’œuvre de Peter Martensen, cette exposition intervient dans une période de création particulièrement riche et innovante dans sa carrière dont elle se veut l’écho [extrait du communiqué de presse].


Peter Martensen - Et la société engloba l'individu


November 2013
Bastien Stisi

La peinture métaphysique de Peter Martensen


September 2017 - N° 704
Fabien Simode

Peter Martensen "ravage " l'entendement

Libre Belgique - Arts Libre

From August 23rd to August 29th 2017
Roger-Pierre Turine

Vous avez dit "Complot" ?

Le Monde diplomatique

June 2015 - N°735
Illustrated by Peter Martensen

Peter Martensen, L'âme nordique

Le Figaro

January 1st 2006
Valérie Duponchelle

Peter Martensen au royaume des clones

Le Figaro

August 29th 2006
Valérie Duponchelle

Publications and texts

Peter Martensen - The Settlement

Peter Martensen – video

MAMC+ Saint-Etienne

Film produced for Peter Martensen’s exhibition “Ravage” (Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Etienne Métropole, 2017).

Peter Martensen - The Poet

Portraet – video

Peter Martensen & Morten Søndergaard

Peter Martensen painting the danish poet Morten Søndergaard (Peter Martensen’s studio, 2016).

icône - teaser - Ravage - Peter Martensen - 2020

Peter Martensen, Ravage – video teaser

Director : Ole Stenum

Revealing the world and the driving forces of the painter Peter Martensen is the idea behind the documentary on the artist that Filmbureauet will produce in 2020.

Meeting – video

Peter Martensen & Morten Søndergaard

with the kind participation of Barbara Polla